Wednesday, July 28, 2010

All Presidents Are Related

The New England Historic Generalogical Society recently released a genealogy report after tracing the family three of top president candidates. Barack H. Obama the son of a white women from Kansas and a black man from Kenya, is related to severtal presidents across both party lines. Obamas distant presidential cousins include James Madison, Harry S Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, Gerald Ford, George HW Bush, George Bush. Obama is related to other politicians Robert E Lee, Winston Church and Dick Cheney. Is this just a coincidence? Bill Clintons ancestry canbe traced back on his mothers side to king henry the III who ruled England from 1227 to 1272. He is descended from King Rober I of France. Al Gore is a descendant of Edward I roman emperors Louis i and II and Charles II and is direct descendant of Charlemagner which makes him a distant cousin of Nixon and Bush. So the top Democratice candidates against Bush in 2000 and 2004 were actually his cousins. reveals that Bush and Kerry aren ot only related to prince charles but to their common ancestor Vlad the impalet the real count dracula. Senetor John Mccain is the sixth cousin of laura bush. If we go back 20 generations most of us are related but most us citizens do not have 6 presidents in their bloodlines why is that aspiting presidents have the previous presidens in their bloodlines? what are the odds of that? Reasearches michael tsarion and fritz springmeier along with foundations like the new england historical genelogy society burkes peerage the roman riso homepage and other reliable genelogical sources have documented these royal president bloodlines. BY branching out far enough on the presidental familty tree the dedicated researcehd will find that all 44 presidents share kinship belonging to the same general ancestry often called the 13th illuminati bloodline the merovingian line and or the windsor bush bloodline. the windsor bush bloodline reaches from the american presidents back to british europena royalty and it doesnt stop there it continues back through roman emperors all the way to babylonian kings and eyptain pharaohs near the beginning of recored history. every presidential election since and including G.washington in 1769 has been won by the candidate with the most rotal genes now we can see how why. unitedstates presidents aren not choosen by ballot they are choosen by blood. All 44 presidents in the us are related and that 33 of the presidents can be traced back to the bloodline of charlemagne this possible truth alone should be sending off a mjor alarm bells in our minds. like this is no coincidence the odds of this happening are billions to one.

What is The Illuminati

The Illuminati is a secret society that has been around since 1776, they want to create a one world government, with themselves in charge. The Illuminati are generally powerful and rich people. The Illuminati will kill anyone, anywhere at any time to get what they need.

The people that are "Anti-New World Order" and speak out against the Illuminati will be murdered like 2Pac and Michael Jackson. 2Pac and Michael Jackson were going to warn the entire world about what the Illuminati are planning. If you look at the title of 2Pac's album "The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory" for example; 2Pac was referring to the Illuminati in this title, Kill + Illuminati. In the song "They Don't Care About Us" by Michael Jackson, "they" is the Illuminati. The Illuminati killed 2Pac, Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, Marilyn Monroe, Jon Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, John F. Kennedy, Abe Lincoln, Princess Diana, Martin Luther King, the list goes on.

The Illuminati control everything, the music industry, film industry, pharmaceutical (legal industry), medical industry, colleges, banking institutions, Wall Street and the Political System. Their symbol is even on our money.

The Illuminati control our Presidential Elections. Usually the president, who gets the most sponsorship, in the form of money and media coverage, wins the election. The Illuminati control the media, so whoever the Illuminati choose as a presidential candidate will win the election. They will also sponsor the other candidate too, to have entertainment for the public. Sometimes this does not always go according to plan, for example, in the election between George W. Bush and Al Gore. In Florida George W. Bush "won" over Al Gore. The Illuminati cheated so that their pre-elected candidate would win presidency. The Illuminati choose the presidential candidate with the closest blood lines.

These are the thirteen families in the Illuminati:
1. Astor
2. Bundy
3. Collins
4. DuPont
5. Freeman
6. Kennedy
7. Li (Chinese)
8. Onassis
9. Rockefeller
10. Rothschild
11. Russell
12. van Duyn
13. Merovingian (European Royal Families)
These families have "ties" with the Illuminati:
1. Reynolds
2. Disney
3. Krupp
4. McDonald

Most of the major wars and economic depressions/recessions of the past 100 years were carefully planned out by the Illuminati. Some of these include: The Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, The Great Depression, the Rise of Nazi Germany, Korean War, Vietnam War, 1991 Gulf War and French Revolution.

Do you remember all of the unnecessary hype about the New Millennium, or the alleged Y2K crisis? This hype was created by the Illuminati. This had people selling their homes, building shelters, stocking up on survival kits, etc. The Illuminati are also building hype for a 2012 phenomenon. I do not think that anything major is going to happen in 2012. When 2012 comes and goes, it will be shown to be the biggest hoax since the Y2K phenomenon.

Goals of the Illuminati

1. To establish a One World Government / New World Order
2. Destroy national identity and national pride
3. Destroy other religions
4. Control people through mind control
5. Bring an end to industrialization
6. Depopulate large cities through genocide
7. Suppress scientific development
8. Kill 3 billion people by 2050 using war
9. Demoralize workers by creating mass unemployment
10. Manage crises after creating them
11. Collapse the world's governments
12. Cause political chaos
13. Control foreign and domestic polices
14. Phase out governments while empowering the U.N.
15. Penetrate and subvert all governments to destroy their integrity
16. Organize world wide terrorist
17. Control and destroy the education system

Illuminati kill the King of Pop?

Yep they killed him. Think about it. We all know how he sang songs about making the world a better place? Those type of songs aren't allowed in the industry. They want the songs that lady gaga, beyonce/sasha fierce, jay-z, rihanna and many others be singing and rapping. MJ was framed by the illuminati. The set him up for the child molestations trials as a threat. The illuminati control the media, along with goverment, and everything else. Your denying their existence which is exactly want you to think. You deny the fact they killed MJ. They want you to deny that. Their symbols are everywhere, yet so many people fail to see it. MJ loved and cared for the world. He tried to warn us, this is why he was gonna have his "This Is It" tour. I mean why would he come out of nowhere the do a tour? He said he wanted to do it because he wanted his kids to watch him perform..i can bet everything in the world that his kids have seen him practice and sing before. That was a lie. Rest in peace Michael Jackson

Is Pac Alive

Reasons that Tupac is Alive
1. 2Pac began calling himself Makaveli. Machiavelli was an Italian war strategist who advocated faking one's death to fool their enemies. 2Pac was a fan of Machiavelli and had read his books. Perhaps 2Pac is taking his advice?
(But that is not all Machiavelli did, Nicolo Machiavelli was a political, military theorist, historian, playwright, diplomat, and military planner. He is well known today. Some of his works are "The Prince" (1513), and The Art of War (1521). NOTE: Bone Thugs 'N' Harmony's new double album which features 2Pac is called "The Art Of War." Coincedence Or Not???)

2. 2Pac was cremated the day after he died. Since when does some one get cremated the day after a murder? There was no autopsy. Plus, no one can ask to dig up his grave like they wanted to do with Elvis and like they did with Abraham Lincoln.

3. 2Pac has completed several movies and new albums and keeps on appearing on new artist's albums. (Many of the unheard songs 2Pac has completed are unreleased and not on any albums) Why would he do so much at one time??? With so many people upset about 2Pac's death, literally anything connected with him is bound to net a whole lot of cash,(Yet 2Pac had big plans for 'Makaveli Records'. This may be why he's completed so many songs. Makaveli Records is the the new record company 2Pac planned on doing with "Tha Outlaw Immortalz". He was leaving Death Row Records. Suge Knight could have killed 2Pac so they could get all the money. 2Pac's mother is currently suing Death Row Records for this money.

4. In a 1994 interview with Tupac, he said before he went to prison that if he was ever sent to prison when he came out he would be worse than before. He was. He also said when he came out it would be like he was reborn. Was he speaking literally? He already died and he was worse when he came out of jail, plus Tupac switched his rapping name from 2Pac to Makaveli, that could be considered a rebirth, all that's left is a physical rebirth (A sighting) and so far he's already completed more than half of this prophecy.

5. The cover of 2Pac's latest album, Makaveli, features 2Pac posed as Jesus Christ, Could he be planning a resurrection?
(Death Row Records probably did this for the publicity. It just adds to the whole 2Pac alive stuff which has been getting the album more sales.)

6. Las Vegas is a payoff city, meaning all sorts of folks have been known to be on the take. That means doctors, press, lawyers, etc.
(This works both ways, The payoff city Las Vegas could be a factor in either 2Pac faking his death OR Suge Knight killing him.)

7. The producer on the new Makaveli album is simply "SIMON." This was the apostle who helped Jesus carry the cross and one of the first to witness his resurrection. Could Suge be SIMON?

8. There are many numerological coincidences. Tupac was gunned down exactly seven months after All Eyez On Me was released. The number seven keeps coming up too. He was shot on September 7th and survived on 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and died the 13th. This could explain the title of his new album, "The Don Killuminati: The 7 day theory." 2pac was 25. His age adds up to 7 (2 + 5). Even his time of death, 4:03, adds up to 7 (4 + 0 + 3). Also, on track five on the Makaveli album the voice at the begining says "And if the Lord returns in the coming seven days, then we'll see ya next time." He even talks about the number 7 on his album! There are more 'coincidences' too, The newest is on his brand new double album entitled "R U Still Down?". This album was released on November 25th. 2 + 5 = 7. The 7 day theory continues! What's with this?

9. Inside the cover of 2Pac's newest album, it reads "Exit: 2pac, Enter: Makaveli" as if 2pac has died and Makaveli born. There is also that statement by 2Pac saying when he came out it would be like he was reborn. (Refer to #4)

10. 2Pac's video 'I Ain't Mad At Ya' foretold his death , 2Pac dies in that video, then a new video came out under the name "Makaveli". Its just like 2Pac died in "I Ain't Mad At Cha", and Makaveli was born in "Toss It Up". Exit 2Pac Enter: Makaveli. It all makes sense.

11. In the video "Toss It Up", 2Pac is supposedly wearing some Penny Hardaway sneakers which were not available at the time of his death!!!! Also, some say in the video "Live & Die In LA" when 2Pac jumps in the car you see that he is wearing some Michael Jordan sneakers which were not available at the time of his death!
(If 2pac is dead, then his double is doing his new videos, So, that explains the shoes!)

12. In Tupac's song "Life of an Outlaw" on the album The 7 Day Theory, he says "All for the street fame on how to be managed, 6 months in advance to what we plotted, approved to go on swole and now I got it"-Life Of An Outlaw. This implies that

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

John Wall in DC

Once the Washington Wizards won the NBA draft lottery on June 24th, It was almost certain John Wall would be taken as the top overall pick in the upcoming draft. John Wall was considered to be one of the best players out of college. Wall lead his Kentucky Wildcat team to a deep NCAA tournament run, but ultimately loosing to the West Virginia Mountaineers. Wall average 16 points, 6 assist and around 2 steals a game per game in his lone season in Kentucky. Wall drew comparasions to NBA star guards, Rajon Rondo, Derrick Rose and Chris Paul. Wall has the hands and defensive skills to be a great guard defender like Rondo. He has the driving ability, strength to finish at the basket and create shots for himself and others like Rose. Wall has the ability to have the same leadership skills and game changing ability as Chris Paul did back in New Orleans when he was a rookie. Wall has the capability of becoming a superstar guard in the league on day, but can he do it in the nation's capital? I think so. Lets look at some key Wizards players. Gilbert Arenas is coming back, hes not getting traded. They stole Kirk Hinrich (Bulls traded him to clear cap for LeBron; No Lebron fail) from the Bulls. He can play either the one or two spot well. Nick Young is a good scorer for the Wizards, who i believe should start a couple games at the three. He can shoot the three, can jump out the gym and is a solid defender. Big man Javale McGee is becoming a force (watch some summer league games) and Andrey Blatche took control of the offense after the mid season trades. I believe Wall can help out every one of these players games. Wall and Arenas would be a dangerous backcourt and with the defense more focus on Wall it can create more scoring chances for Arenas. Imagine this; Wall steals the ball two on one fast break (him and Young) Young pulls up for the three or Wall dishes it off for a monster dunk. Wall and McGee can be Nash and Amare 2.0, they both showed signs that they can be really dangerous this season. I think Wall would win the NBA rookie of the year award and average around 18 points, 6 assist and 2 steals a game..the future looks bright in DC

Wiz in 10

Basketball is back in the nation's capital, thanks to a 19 year old kid, by the name of John Wall. I dont remember the last time the city of Washington has been excited about the NBA season. I feel the Wizards are going to be over looked this season because of the big changes in the east. The three amigos in south beach, the three old men and they're youngins in Boston, Dwight and his magical elfs, the big bad Hawks and raggings Bulls. It would be a difficult season for the wizards, but they would be a fun and exciting team to watch.

We all remember what Chris Paul did for the Hornets and the organization his rookie season. Watching Wall during the summer league i see him as a Derrick Rose, Rondo and Chris Paul Type. Wall has better handles than Rondo a bigger IQ than Rose and is a bigger version of Paul. He made Javale McGee look like a man amoung boys in Vegas. Wall and McGee signature move in Vegas the alley-op pick and roll just like Paul and Tyson Chandler.
Now lets take a deeper look at this. If Arenas stays around in DC, he would move to the two spot with Wall taking over the point. This back court would be undersize but very effective and dangerous. They can both create shots for others and themselves. Arenas numbers would drop this season. Also Kirk Hinrich is going to be a solid back up and help teach John how to play the game in the league. I like this pick up alot.

At the wing you start Nick Young. He's a good young player i like him with the Wizards. He can play solid defense and he can hit a open shot and he can jump out the gym. You also have Josh Howard if he re-signs how can do a little somethings of everything. He's a poor man Shawn Marion. You can also have Al Thorton how i liked when i watched him last year and has a decent shot. Cartier Martin played very well in Vegas and as a spot on the team. Trust me this kid can shoot the lights out and is a solid defender. Think James Posey but way more atheltic.

At the big man four spot you can put star Andray Blatche. He can handle the ball like a three, he has a decent 15-18 jumper and can hit the three once in a blue moon. His play would grow with Wall running the break.Think Marion and Nash affect. Blatche average over 20 points after the Wizards traded Butler, Jamsion, Haywood, Stevenson. Blatche maybe a little off in the beggining of the season because of his surgery, but give him a chance he'll come out.

Also at the four spot you can put the big man from China here. Yi Jianlian. He can shoot the ball pretty well, coming into the NBA he was thought to be the next Dirk and it really hasnt planed out that way but he can still play the game of basketball. He's ready to have a breakout season.

At the five spot we finally let loose of Brendon Haywood who was a soft center. We lost Etan Thomas who was a hard worker and rebounder. Now we have Javale McGee and the kid can play ball. I really liked him during the summer league. He can jump over the gym and block shots. He is a better version of Tyson Chandler (Remember my CP and TC comparison). He has alot of athleticism, hes tall and can develop into a great big man. Watch out Dwight Howard!

Now after him i dont really know much of the team. We got Hilton Armstrong who played in New Oreleans with Paul. He's a decent big man who fills up the paint. He really can rebound, block shots or score just a big body.

John Wall is my main reason of excitment for the upcoming season but this young team can do some damamge in a couple of years and would be fun to watch for many seasons to come. They have talent, youth in every position on the court.

Now my predictions for the season:

Wizards would win around 45 games and be the 8th seed in the east.

John Wall would win rookie of the year

Gilbert would be an All Star with Wall getting strong considerations

Wall would win the Skills challenge in AS weekend

Armstrong would get cut

Miami Heat "Super Team"

After the signing of LeBron James, Chris Bosh and the re-signing of Dwayne Wade, the Miami Heat used most of their salary cap money on only 3 players. The Heat would have to fill the remainder of their roster with minimum contacts and (i think) only one mid level expection. Lets see how Pat Riley. He signed point guard Carlos Arroyo, foward Udonis Haslem, center Jamaal Magloire, center Zydrunas Ilgauskas, foward Joel Anthony, foward Juan Howard, foward James Jones, guard Mike Miller, foward Dexter Pittman and guard Mario Chalmers was already under contract. Can this team win an NBA championship lets take a look. We already know about the big three of James, Wade and Bosh. LeBron James game would never be the same again. We wont see any more 50 point outbrust, he would have to be the ultimate playmaker. Dwyane Wade scoring would stay around 25 points a game and he would still be the main focus on offense and would have the ball in his hands in the 4th quater. Chris Bosh would have to be the "Kevin Garnett" of the three giving up his offense to be a defensive monster grabbing rebounds. I believe this trio is going to be able to play together in a few years, not next year. They have never in their entire lives had to slow down their games for a whole basketball season (Olympics dont count; 6 games). If they all stay together for all six years they would win only two championships if they're lucky. Now lets see the rest of the team. I personally like Carlos Arroyo, he's always been one of my favorite players he can run a team without many turnovers and he can hit a open shot. Udonis Haslem is a nice pick up he is a dirty player who doesnt mind diving for a lose ball and getting in the oppents face, he can also hit a 15-18 foot jumper. Jamal Magloire it feels like he's been in the league forever but i feel like he's just another big body used to fill out the roster. Oh god Big Z, Zydrunas Ilgaukus i really dont like him but he can rebound and has a decent shot for a big man. Joel Anthony is a big body foward how would play hard on defense. Juan Howard from the fab five, he can help bring some experience to the club with playing some defense. James Jones is a three point shooter who is a decent defender. Mike Miller signing is my favorite, i liked him when he played for the Wizards. He is a great shooter and he plays hard defense. He is a ball player. Rookie Dexter Pittman would learn from the other bigs on the team and in a couple of years be the Heat's "Glen Davis". Mario Chalmers is a decent point guard who can run a team and has played for the Heat and Wade his entire NBA career. The Heat are hoping he becomes the next Rondo. My final prediction on this team is two Championship in six years going to the finals four times .