Wednesday, July 28, 2010

All Presidents Are Related

The New England Historic Generalogical Society recently released a genealogy report after tracing the family three of top president candidates. Barack H. Obama the son of a white women from Kansas and a black man from Kenya, is related to severtal presidents across both party lines. Obamas distant presidential cousins include James Madison, Harry S Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, Gerald Ford, George HW Bush, George Bush. Obama is related to other politicians Robert E Lee, Winston Church and Dick Cheney. Is this just a coincidence? Bill Clintons ancestry canbe traced back on his mothers side to king henry the III who ruled England from 1227 to 1272. He is descended from King Rober I of France. Al Gore is a descendant of Edward I roman emperors Louis i and II and Charles II and is direct descendant of Charlemagner which makes him a distant cousin of Nixon and Bush. So the top Democratice candidates against Bush in 2000 and 2004 were actually his cousins. reveals that Bush and Kerry aren ot only related to prince charles but to their common ancestor Vlad the impalet the real count dracula. Senetor John Mccain is the sixth cousin of laura bush. If we go back 20 generations most of us are related but most us citizens do not have 6 presidents in their bloodlines why is that aspiting presidents have the previous presidens in their bloodlines? what are the odds of that? Reasearches michael tsarion and fritz springmeier along with foundations like the new england historical genelogy society burkes peerage the roman riso homepage and other reliable genelogical sources have documented these royal president bloodlines. BY branching out far enough on the presidental familty tree the dedicated researcehd will find that all 44 presidents share kinship belonging to the same general ancestry often called the 13th illuminati bloodline the merovingian line and or the windsor bush bloodline. the windsor bush bloodline reaches from the american presidents back to british europena royalty and it doesnt stop there it continues back through roman emperors all the way to babylonian kings and eyptain pharaohs near the beginning of recored history. every presidential election since and including G.washington in 1769 has been won by the candidate with the most rotal genes now we can see how why. unitedstates presidents aren not choosen by ballot they are choosen by blood. All 44 presidents in the us are related and that 33 of the presidents can be traced back to the bloodline of charlemagne this possible truth alone should be sending off a mjor alarm bells in our minds. like this is no coincidence the odds of this happening are billions to one.

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