Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wiz in 10

Basketball is back in the nation's capital, thanks to a 19 year old kid, by the name of John Wall. I dont remember the last time the city of Washington has been excited about the NBA season. I feel the Wizards are going to be over looked this season because of the big changes in the east. The three amigos in south beach, the three old men and they're youngins in Boston, Dwight and his magical elfs, the big bad Hawks and raggings Bulls. It would be a difficult season for the wizards, but they would be a fun and exciting team to watch.

We all remember what Chris Paul did for the Hornets and the organization his rookie season. Watching Wall during the summer league i see him as a Derrick Rose, Rondo and Chris Paul Type. Wall has better handles than Rondo a bigger IQ than Rose and is a bigger version of Paul. He made Javale McGee look like a man amoung boys in Vegas. Wall and McGee signature move in Vegas the alley-op pick and roll just like Paul and Tyson Chandler.
Now lets take a deeper look at this. If Arenas stays around in DC, he would move to the two spot with Wall taking over the point. This back court would be undersize but very effective and dangerous. They can both create shots for others and themselves. Arenas numbers would drop this season. Also Kirk Hinrich is going to be a solid back up and help teach John how to play the game in the league. I like this pick up alot.

At the wing you start Nick Young. He's a good young player i like him with the Wizards. He can play solid defense and he can hit a open shot and he can jump out the gym. You also have Josh Howard if he re-signs how can do a little somethings of everything. He's a poor man Shawn Marion. You can also have Al Thorton how i liked when i watched him last year and has a decent shot. Cartier Martin played very well in Vegas and as a spot on the team. Trust me this kid can shoot the lights out and is a solid defender. Think James Posey but way more atheltic.

At the big man four spot you can put star Andray Blatche. He can handle the ball like a three, he has a decent 15-18 jumper and can hit the three once in a blue moon. His play would grow with Wall running the break.Think Marion and Nash affect. Blatche average over 20 points after the Wizards traded Butler, Jamsion, Haywood, Stevenson. Blatche maybe a little off in the beggining of the season because of his surgery, but give him a chance he'll come out.

Also at the four spot you can put the big man from China here. Yi Jianlian. He can shoot the ball pretty well, coming into the NBA he was thought to be the next Dirk and it really hasnt planed out that way but he can still play the game of basketball. He's ready to have a breakout season.

At the five spot we finally let loose of Brendon Haywood who was a soft center. We lost Etan Thomas who was a hard worker and rebounder. Now we have Javale McGee and the kid can play ball. I really liked him during the summer league. He can jump over the gym and block shots. He is a better version of Tyson Chandler (Remember my CP and TC comparison). He has alot of athleticism, hes tall and can develop into a great big man. Watch out Dwight Howard!

Now after him i dont really know much of the team. We got Hilton Armstrong who played in New Oreleans with Paul. He's a decent big man who fills up the paint. He really can rebound, block shots or score just a big body.

John Wall is my main reason of excitment for the upcoming season but this young team can do some damamge in a couple of years and would be fun to watch for many seasons to come. They have talent, youth in every position on the court.

Now my predictions for the season:

Wizards would win around 45 games and be the 8th seed in the east.

John Wall would win rookie of the year

Gilbert would be an All Star with Wall getting strong considerations

Wall would win the Skills challenge in AS weekend

Armstrong would get cut

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